No­ti­ce for all stu­dents wri­ting term pa­pers in my clas­ses

Please consult this indispensable style sheet (pdf) (author: Christoph Henke, Augsburg University) and always add this form (pdf).


Courses taught (UPB)

Term Papers
How to write a term paper (University of Mannheim guidelines; except for a few Mannheim-specific points, useful for UPB students)
ABCs of Style (specific pointers for formatting term papers, U Mannheim guidelines, highly useful for UPB students)

Oral Exams M.Ed.
Informationen mündliche Prüfungen M.Ed. GyGe und BK
Informationen mündliche Prüfungen M. Ed. G und HRSGe
Anmeldeformular mündliche Prüfungen M.Ed.
Guidelines: what to expect in oral exams