Out­go­ing Stu­dents - Erasmus Part­ner Uni­ver­sit­ies

Israel - Ramat Gan (Nähe Tel Aviv)

Bar-Ilan University

Kontakt Ramat Gan: Prof.in Ronny Miron

Kontakt Paderborn: Prof.in Ruth Hagengruber

Internetpräsenz des Instituts (Englisch)

Spanien – San Sebastian

University of the Basque Country

Kontakt San Sebastian: Nere Amenabar Perurena

Kontakt Paderborn: Prof.in Ruth Hagengruber

Internetpräsenz des Instituts (Spanisch)

Türkei – Istanbul

Yeditepe University

Kontakt Istanbul: Asst. Prof. Levent Kavas

Kontakt Paderborn: Prof.in Ruth Hagengruber

Internetpräsenz des Instituts (Englisch)

Italien – Rom

Roma Tre University

Kontakt Rom: Prof.ssa Federica Giardini

Kontakt Paderborn: Prof.in Ruth Hagengruber

Internetpräsenz des Instituts (Englisch/Italienisch)

Island – Reykjavik

University of Iceland

Kontakt Reykjavík: Prof.in Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir

Kontakt Paderborn: Prof.in Ruth Hagengruber

Internetpräsenz des Instituts (Englisch)

Tschechische Republik - Brno

Masaryk University

Kontakt Brno: Dr.in Dagmar Pichová

Kontakt Paderborn: Prof.in Ruth Hagengruber

Internetpräsenz des Institus (Englisch)

Irland - Maynooth (Nähe Dublin)

(to be confirmed)

Maynooth University

Kontakt Maynooth: Dr.in Mette Lebech

Kontakt Paderborn: Prof.in Ruth Hagengruber

Internetpräsenz des Instituts

Tschechische Republik - Prag

(to be confirmed)

Charles University

Kontakt Prag: Dr. Hans Rainer Sepp

Kontakt Paderborn: Prof.in Ruth Hagengruber

Internetpräsenz des Instituts (Deutsch/Englisch)

Out­go­ing Stu­dents - Pader­born ERASMUS PRO­GRAM

The Philosophy program at Paderborn University highly values the international exchange of ideas. For this reason we foster active cooperation with our Erasmus partners both through international teaching activities and student exchange. We offer incoming students a versatile seminar program, ranging from moral and political philosophy, to logic and philosophy of science. The seminars are held in German and English. We also encourage students of Paderborn University to expand their study experience through an Erasmus exchange.


Worldwide first Erasmus Certificate in the History of Women Philosophers at the master level

The Study of the history of women philosophers is the focus of the Erasmus cooperation between the University of Paderborn and the Yeditepe University in Istanbul. This unique enterprise stems from the pioneer research conducted by the Department of Philosophy in Paderborn. Within the master programme “Kultur und Gesellschaft”, philosophy students may specialize in the History of Women Philosophers, while the profile of the Erasmus cooperation is complemented with ancient philosophy, the focus in the Department of Philosophy at Yeditepe – one of the largest private universities in Turkey. Students who spend up to nine months at the respective partner institution will be offered an opportunity to acquire the Erasmus Certificate in the History of Women Philosophers/History of Philosophy.